The Moot Court module is an elective offered to law students. The blend of theory and practical application by which the module is delivered, equips and trains the students to participate fully in the moot court experience. The final which was held on the 27th July, for the first time in the Port Elizabeth High Court, is a culmination of various assessments. The two (2) teams with the highest marks qualified. Appearing for the applicant team were Nceba Mafa and Katongo Bwalya and arguing for the respondents were Chante du Toit and Ivan Oosthuizen. The teams presented arguments to an adjudicating panel composed of Judge Eksteen, Advocate Dup de Bruyn, Advocate Wabo Msizi, Prof Avinash Govindjee and Mr Kailash Karsan.
The winning team, Nceba Mafa and Katongo Bwalya, will be representing Nelson Mandela University at 26th African Human Rights Moot to be hosted by the University of Mauritius in September 2017. 
The Final was then followed by a cocktail event, held at the Nelson Mandela University Art Gallery, announcing the Faculty’s acquisition of the “Images of Human Rights” Portfolio. The black and white print images in the portfolio, created by selected artists, celebrate the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 and depict one of the 27 clauses of the new Bill of Rights. The prints were printed by Master Printer Jan Jordaan and were in a limited edition of fifty (50) portfolios. The proceeds of the original sales of the portfolios were utilised for human rights education programmes for the South African youth. The entire collection will be permanently installed at the faculty in due time.